Apuestas no Igualadas (PS)
The Apuestas no Igualadas (PS) window is only displayed when there are unmatched SP bets that have been placed with the Set SP Odds Limit turned on. It allows you to lower the minimum odds for unmatched Back SP bets and raise the maximum odds for unmatched Lay SP bets. Once submitted an SP bet cannot be cancelled in addition the minimum odds cannot be raised on unmatched Back bets and the maximum odds cannot be lowered on unmatched Lay bets.

When rolled up in the Barra de Informacion Principal the header displays the number of unmatched SP bets.

When expanded the window displays all of the unmatched SP bets.

Changing the odds
In order to change the odds of an individual unmatched SP bet you can:

  • Click in the Casilla de Cuotas and type the new odds in

  • Click in the Casilla de Cuotas and use the up and down arrows on your keyboard

  • Use the up and down arrows to the side of the Casilla de Cuotas.

  • Once you have entered the new odds you then need to click on the Boton de Confirmar Cambios to submit the changes. Finally you can:

  • Right click over the Casilla de Cuotas that will bring up the odds menu, which displays the current odds plus the 10 prices either side of the current odds as well as 1.01 and 1000. If you then left click on a new price it will change the odds to the new price and then to submit the change you then need to click on the Boton de Confirmar Cambios. Alternatively you can right click on a new price and it will immediately submit the changes to the price, thus removing the need to click on the Boton de Confirmar Cambios.

When a change is made to the odds the numbers will change to red as will the Ganancia/Riesgo/Ganancia Máxima figure so as to indicate a change has been made but not yet submitted.

Opciones de Menu
By right clicking on the header it brings up the various options for this window.

  • Información de Apuesta - turns the Información de Apuesta for all unmatched SP bets on/off

  • Formato

    • Un solo grupo - turns the Unmatched SP bets Window into a Un solo grupo rather than separate Back and Lay sections

    • Encabezado - turns the Encabezado on/off

    • Línea separadora de grupos de apuestas - turns the separators between the unmatched SP bets on/off

    • Sin línea separadora de grupos de apuestas - groups unmatched SP bets by selection but without selection separators (order dependent upon the sort used on the Escalera/Cuadricula, parrilla , rejilla, casilla…)

    • Con línea separadora de grupos de apuestas - groups unmatched SP bets by selection with selection separators (order dependent upon the sort used on the Escalera/Cuadricula, parrilla , rejilla, casilla…)

  • Ordenar por… - Left clicking one of the sub menus sorts in expected order. Right clicking sorts in reverse

    • Apuesta realizada - sorts by the time the bets were placed

    • Selección, Apuesta Realizada - sorts by the selection (order dependent upon the sort used on the Escalera/Cuadricula, parrilla , rejilla, casilla…) and then by the time the bets were placed.